You are here: Cashbook > Bank Reconciliation > Creating a New Bank Reconciliation

Creating a New Bank Reconciliation

A new bank reconciliation form for a selected bank account can only be created where:


1. General Ledger Cash Book Bank Reconciliation
2. Click New
3. Select bank account from search window, select or enter relevant statement date and click OK
4. Reconcile or clear transactions
5. Enter in direct transactions from debtors, creditors and to the General Ledger
6. Click Figures tab and enter in the closing statement balance
7. Save and activate the form when balanced

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Reconciling or Clearing Transactions

Entering Bank Directs

General Ledger Entries

Debtor Receipts

Allocating Debtors Receipts

Debtor Payments

Creditor Payments

Allocating Creditor Payments

Creditor Receipts

Opening Transactions

Getting New Transactions